किरायता जड़ - पिली जड़ी - थैलिक्ट्रम फोलियोलोसम
किरायता जड़ - पिली जड़ी - थैलिक्ट्रम फोलियोलोसम
नियमित रूप से मूल्य
219.00 INR
नियमित रूप से मूल्य
MRP 449.00 INR
विक्रय कीमत
219.00 INR
यूनिट मूल्य
Kiraita Root (Thalictrum Foliolosum) is a perennial herbaceous plant native to Japan. It is valued for its medicinal properties and is widely used in Tibetan and Unani systems of medicine. Kiraita Root is one of the well known medicinal plants used in Indian traditional medicine to heal several disease. It is useful in healing peptic ulcers, indigestion, fevers, toothache, haemorrhoids and for convalescence after acute diseases.